Is RCEP a Recipe for a Reset?

1 min
November 30, 2020
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The narrative over the last six months was seemingly almost entirely around the twin themes of Covid and the US Election and it looks like November will come in as a really strong month in Global Equities, principally because the risk premium around both of those has fallen. Having said that, we would be somewhat cautious in so far as there may be some poor news flow from both areas – certainly compared to expectations. There remains a non zero risk that the Trump lawsuits will not only get to the Supreme court, but also further delay the declared ‘done deal’ of a Biden Presidency and so increase short term uncertainty. Equally the drift towards an accidental ‘zero Covid’ policy by many western politicians is making the magic bullet vaccine strategy an important economic variable. If, as certainly seems to be the case in Europe, politicians are going to maintain economically damaging lockdowns until a vaccine is fully distributed then the V shape recoveries keep getting postponed, raising medium term risks.

On the flip side, things are looking up in Asia, especially for longer term trends. Last week we discussed the 5Cs strategy to diversify some portfolios in the light of emerging longer term trends – Cash Flow, China, Convertibles, Commodities and Crypto Currencies and three of these are caught up in the important news that came out last week of the signing of the RCEP, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership. While the UK struggles with the seemingly interminable negotiations with the EU, this broader alliance has been pushed through with surprising speed. This can best be thought of as a combination of the ASEAN elements of the 2018 CPTPP – the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership, (which in turn had sprung from the failed TPP – Trans-Pacific Partnership) with the smaller ASEAN countries plus of course South Korea and China. Thus whereas the TPP was proposed as a trade bloc specifically to exclude China, the new RCEP has China at the heart of it and the US (and India) now on the outside looking in.

Figure 1: Members of RCEP and CPTPP
(Numbers present 2018 GDP in trillions of U.S. dollars)

Chart showing members of the CPTPP and RCEP trade blocs.


For advocates of Free Trade, this is however undoubtedly ‘a good thing’ as it creates the world’s largest Free Trade area, covering over 2 billion people and 30% of world GDP. It accounts for around 28% of Global Trade, but perhaps more important for investors 23% of Global Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and the group as a whole provides 34% of all outbound FDI – mostly from Japan and China obviously. The biggest short term benefit is that it helps with intermediate goods and components, allowing members to maintain bi-lateral agreements with other countries while avoiding tariffs between themselves on account of those sub-components – as had previously been the case.

In many ways the best way to think of this is the facilitator of the new global supply chain in the wake of the US/China trade wars. This is ASEAN led, since neither China or Japan could be seen to take the lead here and importantly we note who is not there (apart from India); Taiwan. The fact that Xi has made it clear that concluding RCEP opens the way for bi-lateral talks with South Korea is also clearly very important here in the ongoing Chip battle.

From an investor viewpoint, for the outlook for 2021 – looking past Covid and the aftermath of the US Elections – we ought really to be thinking more about some of these trends and in particular whether a greater exposure to this grouping makes sense. With less damage from Covid policies and with agreements like this allowing for greater efficiency and integration of the new supply chains then we would suggest that a decent size – perhaps as much as 35% of a global portfolio – should be focussed on this region in general – especially as the trade weighted Dollar continues to weaken. Thus in addition to the existing consumer focus, we can extend to a more cyclical focus on trade, commodities and intermediate goods as well even some capital expenditure, particular in the technology areas. Obviously we have effectively been exposed to these regions via multi-national companies already, but increasingly ‘local’ ways to play them will become more fruitful.

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Changing Season, Market Thinking September 2024

After the volatility in July and August, some traders had their worst summer in years, being forced out at the bottom or in at the top, ,while those who went to the beach may have returned to find their portfolios little different than they left them. Under the surface however, things are changing, politics in the US are developing fast while the anti Globalist populism in Europe has got stronger in the face of attempts to suppress it. The Fed has acknowledged that the time has come for lower rates, which is switching attention to the prospect of a weaker US$ and the idea that the monopoly profits that underpin the S&P earnings may come under treat from both regulators and global competition is starting to shift the focus from momentum and memes onto cash flow, yields and diversification.

August Analogues - or unwind of anomalies?

Having initially decided the early August sell off was all about Economics, the pundits were forced to concede that it was actually market mechanics - in this case the partial unwind of the Yen carry trade, leading to a surge in Google searches for the term. We see this more as an unwind of the three big anomalies from the summer- concentration risk in US equities, repressed levels of volatility and an ultra cheap Yen. Traders are nevertheless nervous of past August analogues, particularly August 2000, when a similar small increase in Japanese rates burst the Dot Com bubble, but we also see echoes of August 1998, when the Russia default blew up LTCM and triggered a similar flight to safety in US bonds that was mis-interpreted as a signal of an upcoming recession. Indeed we see the latest calls for a recession and a Fed pivot driving US 10 Year below 4% as a new anomaly.

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